Abandon All Morals
Ye Who Enter Here

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Dear Alanea Alder,
I love your Bewitched and Bewildered series. I'm practically obsessed, not like Ali Larter in the movie but close. 
I first read your Kindred of Arkadia series, let's just say way to leave a girl hanging. The last book said "Soon. Soon the real game would begin." And then nothing, it's been like nine months almost to the day and no glimmer of hope, no bread crumbs, nothing to even tell us there will be another book. (Insert the saddest face you could ever imagine with big watery puppy dog eyes here)
Once I reached the end, hopefully not, of Rebecca and here group of crazies I turned my attention to Aiden and Meryn, in My Commander. Can you say holy yummy delicious shifter bear. I can. It was hilarious. When I read about them going to get tampons, I thought I thought I would die I laughed so hard. The same thing happened in My Protector and My Healer. And can I just say awesome release date for My Protector, best Christmas present ever.
All I ask in the face of your awesomeness is please oh please great one give us a glimpse into the next one. I have to know at least what it's going to be about so I can day dream about it when I'm supposed to be doing other stuff.

Oh in case you hadn't figured it out yet I recommend you read this series. If you like shifters, vampires, witches, laughing, and hot sex. You should read this. Alder made me get really attached to the characters. There was times I wanted to smack Aiden for Meryn. Then there was times I wanted to cry for them, (which I did). Can't wait for more!!!

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