Abandon All Morals
Ye Who Enter Here

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Daily Joke

17 Of The Greatest Responses To An Ex Text Of All Time
1. This person who got straight to the POINT.

2. This person who laughed until they cried.

3. This person pretending to be an error message.

4. This person who believes that honesty is the best policy.

5. This person who asks the important questions.

6. This person throwing down a truth bomb.

7. This person getting REAL.

8. This person throwing major shade.

9. This person with a fiery response.

10. This person laying down the law.

11. This person with the meme that says it all.

12. This person getting sexual.

13. This person using pictures to say it all.

14. This person calling it like they see it.

15. This person telling it like it is.

16. This person who values honesty above all else.

17. And this person who doesn’t have time to play games.

*I found this on Suzanne Wrights fb from buzzfeed

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