Abandon All Morals
Ye Who Enter Here

Sunday, May 17, 2015

I am so praying that this is great and they don't completely ruin it.
Some shows and movies do the books justice, (The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Twilight - don't be hatin') and there's some that surpass the books (True Blood, Vampire Diaries, The Maze Runner). Then there's the ones that fail so epically (like Vampire Academy, don't get me wrong I liked the movie, but in comparison to the books it sucked. I read the first book in the series in one night, when i was in eighth grade. So you can imagine how unbelievably amazing it had to be to keep my attention at that age. Also I'll do a review of those books later, they deserve their own tribute!)
I love this story. Maggie and Caleb! Swoon! I didn't actually find these books until all four were already out (that's not including the latest Undeniably Chosen, about Ava and Seth). But I read the books religiously. This epic love story, them finding each other in this supernatural way and fighting for each other throughout the series. They faced all their problems together, as a team. (I love a good girl power story!) But she didn't let herself be hardheaded, she leaned on Caleb and let him be there for her. I think i loved Independence -the 4th book- the best, mainly because it switched POVs back and forth. So taking my love into consideration I hope this show/movie (whatever it's going to be) is great!!!

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