Abandon All Morals
Ye Who Enter Here

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Spoiler Alerts!

So I totally love Reign, but I missed the last 5 episodes. They were just sitting on my DVR all sad. Then today they just started screaming "Watch Me! Watch Me! We want to be watched!" So I watched. I couldn't wait another minute...mainly because I read the info for tonights episode that talked about Condes betrayel. Which was a huge shock to me because the last episode I watched Conde and Mary were fixing to run off to Scotland together. Which I'm glad they are over because Mary and Francis need to get back together. I know she's had a really tough time, but they need to be together. Damn it!!!
So, you should really watch this show. From the start. Theres no point watching a series starting from elsewhere. It's such a great show. Crazy rulers, backstabbing, love, people getting poisoned, drama, suspense, and epic awesomeness!!

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