Abandon All Morals
Ye Who Enter Here

Thursday, May 14, 2015

So last night marked the fourth episode in season 21 of The Ultimate Fighter.
I love/hate this show right now. I love this show because the drama between the two teams. The way they hate eachother so mich is great, expecially the coaches. I hate this season because you would think with all the animosity and bad blood built up that it would make for some epic fights. WRONG! The fights so far have sucked! Not one person has gone out there and really went for it, it's like they are scared. And I don't know how the Blaclzilians can be so proud they have won all the fights, laying on top of someone for 10 min. isn't fighting!! At least last nights fight that didn't happen... but only because ATTs guy got to his feet.
I want to see a real fight. For them to go in there and act like they are actually competing for something.
On a side note, "Creepy" Steve totally freaked me out when he had the seizure.

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