Abandon All Morals
Ye Who Enter Here

Friday, May 8, 2015

Spoilers! Don't read unless you watched last nights episodes!!

Thursday nights on the CW. Vampire Diaries and Reign.

So Vampire Diaries first. I read the books before the show started and when I saw it was going to be a show of course I had to watch it. And man am I glad I did. The characters are great, I've laughed, and I've cried. But as for last night's episode....oh my geezes! If Elena or Joan died I'm gonna be so mad. Because poor Alaric! Everytime he falls in love and starts to be really happy, the woman dies in some gruesome fashion. Also I really didn't want Elena to take the cure, but now that she did I don't know if I want Damon to take it. Part of me does want him to so they can be together until they die, but the other part is like Damon is a vampire...he wouldn't be Damon if he couldn't rip peoples hearts out and be a total badass. 

Next is Reign. I'll make it quick. I so think Mary is lying about being preggers with Condes baby. And can I say what a total douche Conde is, turning his back on his family. *Insert string of creatively put together curse words* I also loved the fight scene, we don't get a lot of them on Reign. Also the woods healer chick is totally batshite crazy.

Man I feel better getting all that off my chest.

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